Sept 27

Nice turnout! Thanks to all who participated. Long run from the back on the red menu was the tie breaker.

Jon Dayton …………………………45…………………….1st cl 1st pl

Doug Dingman…………………..43……………………..1st cl 2nd pl

Doug Dingman…………………..41

Craig Maiwurm…………………41

Sean Skalisky……………………..41

Rick Robohm………………………41

Craig Maiwurm…………………..40

Greg Hall……………………………..38

Sean Skalisky……………………….37

Troy Hepner…………………………36……………….2nd cl 1st pl

Roger Pasch………………………….36……………….2nd cl 2nd pl

Craig Maiwurm…………………..35

Al Doucette………………………….35

Jon Dayton…………………………..33

Kelly Bueng………………………….32

Walt Sloboden………………………30

Steve Furuli…………………………..29

Kurt Seurer……………………………28

Kelly Bueng……………………………26

Steve Furuli……………………………26

Chad Nelson……………………………19

Thanks again, we look forward to seeing you next week.

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Summer hours have returned!