Another nice day at the MGC traps. How many more of these are we gonna have?? A cool start but plenty of sunshine all day and light winds. There were seventeen 25 straights today. It seems that some of us are getting ready for next Saturdays Halloween Jackpot. Curt Peterson took some parts & pieces from some of his Perazzi’s and built a 32″ O/U and so far is 150 straight with it in singles the last couple weeks. I’m thinking he’ll get a pie. And he was high gun AGAIN today. Nice shooting Curt.
So, next Saturday. Shoot a 25 straight in either singles or handicap and you’ll win a delicious pie to bring home to share. Or cut it up and share it at the Club. One pie per person and we’ll have 10 of them to give out. Same start time, 10AM. The weather forecast right now looks fabulous.
Today’s Results.
1st Class
Curt Peterson 48
Randy Jones 47
2nd Class
Eric Gunderson 45
Jimmy Bowen 45
3rd Class
Curt Peterson 43
Kari Potter 43
Ties = Singles from the front, then singles from the back, then handicap from the front.
Thanks everyone who participated today. Hope to see you next Saturday.
Jimmy Bowen