A very nice day at the MGC traps…you haven’t heard that for a while. Temp got to 43, a sunny start with clouds filtering in, and no wind to speak of. It was nice out.
Well, this is starting to look like the Scott Steffen Benefit Shoot. Yup, he had high score, again. Nice shooting Scott. Dennis Kecker was close and posted two 25 straights in singles. Way to go Dennis.
And, Mark’s chili was a big hit and the crock got scraped clean. Thanks Mark.
In two weeks MGC will be hosting their annual Thanksgiving Turkey Jackpot. November 23rd. Shoot a 25 straight in singles or handicap and you’ll receive a succulent turkey to being home to the family. One per person. There will be 10 turkeys up for grabs. Hope to see you there.
1st Class
Scott Steffen 48
Dennis Kecker 47
2nd Class
Randy Jones 44
Richard Moen 44
Ties = Singles from the back.
Thanks to everyone who shot today, see you next Saturday.
Jimmy Bowen