An unusually warm day today at the MGC traps….especially for November 7th. A little cloud cover with a “breezy” south wind. How about 17 mph with 30 mph gusts. It made for some “sporting” targets when you would least expect it. Glenn Linden got one that took off sky high even though the wind wasn’t felt back on the trap pads. And, wouldn’t you know it…that was the only one he missed that round. Great shooting Glenn, way to bear down and get the other 49.
In 3 weeks, November 21st, MGC will be hosting their annual Thanksgiving Turkey Jackpot. Shoot a 25 straight in either Singles or Handicap and you’ll be able to bring home a delicious turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. One per shooter.
1st Class
Glenn Linden 49
Jimmy Bowen 48
2nd Class
Glenn Again 45
Dale Otis 45
3rd Class
Lexi Kubista 40
Mike Gunderson 40
Ties = Singles from the back.
Thanks to everyone who shot today.
Enjoy the weather…we all know that this will be short lived.
Hope to see you next Saturday.
Jimmy Bowen