Another nice one today at MGC. The weather cooperated, light breeze, sunshine and 75 degrees. The targets were just floating out there…for some of us.
Second squad out, Dick Champeau, Scott Larson, Curt Peterson, Glenn Linden and Tim Mackey and the scores were 47 and higher, two 48’s, a 49, and the eights & nine didn’t even hit the Lewis Class. Nice shooting guys, especially Tim with the 49.
So, if the 49 didn’t hit….you can kinda figure out what happened. Couple squads later, the same bunch was shooting and Bad to the Bone, Curt Peterson runs ’em. Nice shooting Curt. And on the next squad, Scott Steffen, in a uncharacteristic squad position, squad leader, comes in with ANOTHER 50 straight!!! Nice shooting Scott. That’s what knocked out Tim’s 49.
The day wasn’t over yet and Glenn Linden figured that if those 2 can do it, so can I…..and he did.Nice shooting Glenn.
Three Fifty Straights in one day…and they all played the Perpetual Purse, split the first place Lewis money, and each will get a flat of shells. Not bad in a days play. Couldn’t happen to a better bunch.
Thanks to everyone who shot today, especially those that traveled from Eau Claire to Blue Earth. MGC appreciates it.
1st Class
Curt Peterson 50
Scott Steffen 50
Glenn Linden 50
2nd Class
Glenn Linden 47
Tim Mackey 47
3rd Class
Chuck McMacken 45
Jeff Podergois 45
4th Class
Leo Switala 44
Craig Raines 44
5th Class
Tom Sletta 41
Daryll Olson 41
Ties = Singles from the front, then Singles from the back, then Handicap from the front.
Tomorrow, Sunday June 7th, we’er doing it again. 10 o’clock start.
Hope to see you there.
Jimmy Bowen
50 straight: L>R Curt Peterson, Scott Steffen, Glenn Linden
- Preview50 Straight