Jul 11

A beautiful day at the MGC traps. The rain was gone well before the start and held off until we were done. Little to no wind, sunshine and warm temps. The targets were just a floating out there.

First squad out….set the bar again. John Podergois, post 1, lead the way smashing every singles target that came out, Jimmy Bowen, post 3 followed suit. Over to the Handicap field John dropped 3, Jimmy Bowen dropped 1, for a 49. Then the chase was on. Four 48’s were turned in, Joel Johnson, Ken Norman, Scott Steffen, and the States best Jewish Trapshooter, Charlie Leavitt. Nice shooting guy’s.

1st Class
Jimmy Bowen  49
Joel Johnson  48

2nd Class
Gary Pederson  46
Joel Johnson  46

3rd Class
Dutch Poel  43
Dutch Again  43

4th Class
Mike Gunderson  39
Lexi Kubista    39

Ties = Handicap from the back.

There WON’T be a MGC Jackpot shoot on the 18th. We’ll see what’s going on for the 25th and I’ll let you know.

For those going to the Wisconsin State Shoot….Good Luck.

Thanks to everyone who participated today, see you next time.

Jimmy Bowen

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