Jackpot Sporties results:
Terry Bartling………………….45……………………..1st cl 1st pl
Harry Zarn(6)………………….43……………………..1st cl 2nd pl
Jim Fischer(2)………………….43
Harry Zarn(0)…………………..43
Pat O’Boyle(0)…………………..43
Troy Hepner……………………..42
Greg Hall………………………….42
Kurt Branscomobe…………….40……………………2nd cl 1st pl
Walt Sloboden…………………..39……………………2nd cl 2nd pl
Joe Fischer……………………….38
Kiurt Seurer……………………..38
Terry Bartling……………………38
Al Doucette……………………….37
Pat O’Boyle………………………..35
Chad Nelson……………………..28
Ties were decided by long run from the back on field A: Thanks and see you next week!