A beautiful sunny day at the MGC traps today…..sort of. It was really nice with the sun out but when the 24mph wind gusts blew in from the SW it got a little chilly. But, we had a good time solving all the world problems and talking smart.
Only three 25 straights today. Dan Frye, Jimmy Bowen and Dave Smith. Nice job guys.
We only had 2 winners today and guess what???? neither of them had a 25 straight. I wasn’t involved with the coin flip or figuring the Lewis Class out and how it turned out is….well you’ll see.
THANKS to those who shot today or just stopped by and joined in the conversation.
1st Class
Dennis Kecker 47
2nd Class
Mark Cameron 42
Ties = Handicap from the back
We’ll do it again next Saturday, hope to see you there.
Jimmy Bowen