A really nice February 1st at MGC. The temps were in the mid 30’s, hardly a breeze, and there was some sunshine….for a while anyway.
I don’t know what’s up with the 1st squad scores lately but it was Craig Raines today…1st squad post 2 and he nonchalantly comes in with a 47. Nice shooting Craig. Six squads later and Glenn Linden posts a 47, and follows that one up with another 47. Great shooting Glenn.
Now, this coming Saturday, February 8th, MGC will be hosting their annual Valentines Day Jackpot Shoot. Shoot a 25 straight in either Singles or Handicap and you’ll receive a heart shaped box of chocolates for your sweetheart. Or eat them yourself. One box per shooter. Also, enter the event 3 times or more and your name will go in for a random drawing to win a Heart Shaped Diamond Pendant. The extended forecast right now looks to be a OK day so hopefully you can make it.
1st Class
Craig Raines 47
Glenn Linden 47
2nd Class
Dennis Kecker 44
Daryll Olson 44
3rd Class
Gary Pederson 40
Ray Monson 40
4th Class
Tim Raines 37
Dean LeRud 37
Ties = Handicap from the front.
Thanks to everyone who shot today and enjoyed the nice day.
Hope to see you next Saturday.
Jimmy Bowen