Mar 5

Good afternoon shooters!  nice enough day as we prepare for a bit more snow.  Nice shooting today.  A lot of high scores.

Jim Fischer……………………….47……………….1st cl 1st pl

Rick Robohm…………………….46……………….1st cl 2nd pl

Harry Zarn………………………..45

Troy Hepner………………………43

Kurt Seurer………………………..43

Jim Fischer………………………..43

Joe Fischer…………………………43

Joe Fischer………………………..43

Leo Switala………………………..41

Sean Skalicky (2)………………..40…………2nd cl 1st pl

Kurt Branscombe (0)………….40………….2nd cl 2nd pl

Harry Zarn………………………..39

Len Lindquist…………………….38

Jon Switala………………………..38

Pat O’Boyle………………………..38

Walt Sloboden……………………37

Pat O’Boyle……………………….37

Mark Cameron………………….35


Long run from the front field 1 was the tie breaker.

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