Jackpot Trap Results | 2023-2024 Season

April 13th, 2024 – Finale

A fabulous day at the MGC traps…..in spite of the 20-30 mph winds from the SW. The temperature got to high 70’s and lots of sunshine. We’ve never had temps like this for the Jackpot Finale. The weather was great, so was the attendance and the scores.

Mark, myself, and the staff at MGC want to thank everyone who helped make it a great season. We appreciate your patronage very much.

John Kelly started things out on the first squad. He posted the first 25 straight and the first of a handful of 48’s. And he ended up with high score of the day. Nice shooting John.
Lot’s of 25 straights but Derek Fischer was the only one that did it in handicap. Way to go Derek.

To make the Finale “special” the payouts were bigger for the Daily Lewis and the Added Money were the “usual” big.
Daily payouts were $56 and $35 for 1st and 2nd place and the Added Money payouts were $100 and $60 for 1st and 2nd for those that met the Added Money requirement.

So, here we go. Daily Lewis Class Winners.

1st Class
John Kelly      49
Derek Fischer 48

2nd Class
Curt Peterson   46
Tom Lewic        46

3rd Class
Gary Pederson   43
Gary Pederson   43

4th Class
Dave Smith      42
Jerry Lahr        42

5th Class
Becky Kelly     40
Brad Luke       40

Ties = Handicap from the back

Finale Added Money Winners

1st Class
Derek Fischer      48
Derek Fischer      48

2nd Class
Ray Monson      45
Brad Luke          45

3rd Class
Brad Luke       44
Dave Smith     44

4th Class
Don Campbell    42
Terry Peterson   42

5th Class
Craig Raines    41
Don Campbell  41

6th Class
Brad Luke       40
Craig Raines  40

Ties = Handicap from the front then from the back then singles from the front.

Again, thank you everyone. Hope to see you on a trap range this summer

April 6th, 2024

A nice sunny day at the MGC Traps. 55 degrees and 30+ mph SE wind gusts. The targets were a little sporting but it’s that time of year. The sun felt good on your back.

Four 25 straights today. Jerry Chellgren, Jimmy Bowen, Don Campbell and Dave Smith. Way to go guys.

Thanks to everyone who shot today. Next week is the MGC Jackpot Finale. We’ll be doing our usual Jackpot with daily payouts and for those that qualified you will be shooting for $1000 added money. Hopefully the weather will be nice.

1st Class
Jimmy Bowen     48
John Kelly           47

2nd Class
Dennis Kecker     43
Jerry Chellgren    43

3rd Class
Craig Raines       39
Eric Gunderson   39

Ties = Handicap from the back

March 30th, 2024 – Easter Special

Another pretty nice day at the MGC traps. Plenty of blue sky, 45 degrees, with a 12-17 mph breeze. Only one 25 straight and that was shot by Don Campbell. Nice shooting Don.

The Ham’s winning the hams were….Don Campbell, Dennis Kecker, Terry Peterson, Mike Peck, Jimmy Bowen, Brad Luke, Becky Kelly, Kevin Drill, Justin Schultz, and Mark Cameron. Great shooting guy’s and gal.

1st Class
Dennis Kecker    46
Terry Peterson    46

2nd Class
Brad Luke     41
Justin Schultz  41

Ties = Singles from the front.

March 23rd, 2024

A beautiful sunny day with light winds at the MGC traps today. A little cool, 32 degrees, but nice for the end of March. Two 25 straights today, Eric Gunderson and Dave Smith. Nice shooting guys.

Next Saturday, March 30th, MGC will be hosting their annual Easter Ham Shoot. Shoot a 25 straight in either Singles or Handicap and you will be awarded a succulent ham to share with the family. If ten 25 straights aren’t shot we’ll drop down to the next high score until they’re gone.

In three weeks we’ll be host the Jackpot Finale for 2023/2024. Twenty entries or more and you’ll be eligible for the added money Finale. We will do that along with our regular Lewis Class Jackpot.

1st Class
Dave Smith    46
John Houle    46

2nd Class
Brad Luke     43
John Houle   43

Ties = Singles from the back

March 16th, 2024

A very windy day, 35 mph, at the MGC traps, but the sun was out and no snow!! Last year we were moving snow a couple days a week. So today was good. With the conditions the scores were a little low and no 25 straights. John Houle led the way posting a 42 on the first squad out and claiming his rights to a free burger by smashing the green target. Nice shooting John.

John’s score held until the last squad went out and Eric Gunderson posted a 45. Nice shooting Eric.

On  March 30th, we will be hosting our annual Easter Ham Shoot. More details next week.

1st Class
Eric Gunderson    45

2nd Class
Dale Otis    38

Ties = Handicap from the front.

March 9th, 2024

A nice sunny day at the MGC traps but the wind was a howling!!! 20 mph NW winds made the targets very sporting.  Only ONE 25 straight today….Congratulations to John Houle for shooting so well. John also had high score for the day.

Next Saturday, March 16th, MGC will be hosting their annual St. Patrick’s Jackpot. There will be GREEN targets placed randomly in the carousel and if you hit one you’ll be able to enjoy a MGC burger on the house. One per person. This will be in addition to the daily cash payouts. Wear some green to celebrate the day but please, no kilts….Mark Cameron. Hopefully you can make it and enjoy the day.

1st Class
John Houle    46
Dale Otis       45

2nd Class
Becky Kelly        41
Mark Cameron   40

Ties = Handicap from the back

March 2nd, 2024

March 2nd and we’re shooting in 65 degree weather!! A beautiful day to be out shooting targets. Wind wasn’t bad and plenty of blue sky. Six 25 straights today. Glenn Linden had 2 of them, Dale Otis, Jerry Chellgren, Terry Peterson from the 16 yd line and Don Campbell got his from the 26 yd line. Great shooting guys.

Thanks to everyone who shot today. It was good to see Richard Champeau out blasting away. In two weeks we’ll be hosting the annual MGC St. Patricks Jackpot. We’ll be throwing randomly placed green targets in the carosel and if you hit one in either singles or handicap you’ll get to enjoy a famous MGC hamburger. March 16th will be the day. One per person.

Don Campbell and Glenn Linden both posted 48’s today. Don put up two of them. Nice shooting both of you. And here comes the dreaded flip……

1st Class
Don Campbell      48
Don Campbell      48

2nd Class
Terry Peterson    43
Mark Cameron    43

Ties = Handicap from the back.

February 24th, 2024

A very nice warm day for the 24th of February. Mid 40’s for temps and sunshine but 15-30 mph winds to make it interesting. It was even warm enough that Matt Bickell even wore shorts!! I took a picture and was going to post it…..but on second thought…..NOT.

Four 25 straights today. Mike Peck lead the way, Tony Brand, Jerry Chellgren and Dale Otis. Dale got his in handicap!! Not bad for an ‘ole phart. Nice shooting guys.

Mike Peck was the big winner again today. He’s been shooting well and collecting the money. Keep it up Mike.

Good luck to our MN Jackpot Shooters in Tucson for the Spring Grand. You can check the scores at www.shootscoreboard.com.

1st Class
Mike Peck    48
Dale Otis      47

2nd Class
Mike Peck    43
Mike Peck    43

Ties = Handicap from the back.

February 17th, 2024

Lots of sunshine today but along with it came lots of wind and lots of cold. It was nasty, but some brave souls came out to shoot and shoot we did. Temperature got up to 26 but with the 20-39 mph winds it make it feel like 11 degrees. The snow we had the other day was blowing all over the place.

We had ONE 25 straight today….Congratulations to Mike Peck!! And Mike was the big winner today. We paid out two places today and Mike ended up taking both places. Nice shooting Mike.

Thanks to those that shot today and to those that stopped by to visit. Hopefully next Saturday will be warmer and calmer.

1st Class
Mike Peck    43

2nd Class
Mike Peck    39

Ties = Singles from the back.

February 10th, 2024 – Valentine’s Special

Another cool, damp, breezy, cloudy day at the MGC traps. First squad out, post one, and Scott Messenger posted a 25 straight AND high score for the day. Nice shooting Scott!!

Candy winners for the day were…Scott Messenger, Dennis Minks, Don Campbell, Dennis Kecker, Eric Gunderson, Mike Peck, Jerry Chellgren, Mark Cameron, Mike Gunderson, and Dale Ottis. Great shooting everyone.

1st Class
Scott Messenger     47
Dennis Minks          46

2nd Class
Scott Messenger    43
Don Campbell        43

Ties = Handicap from the back.

February 3rd, 2024

A pretty nice day for the first of February….but it was a little chilly. Temp was in the upper 30’s and a 9-15mph wind. The sun that the weather guessers teased us with didn’t happen until the shooting was over. Maybe next week.

SIX 25 straights today all by different shooters. Brad Marshall, Dennis Kecker, Glenn Linden, David Hillier, Mike Peck got ’em in singles and Don Campbell got his in handicap. Great shooting guy’s.

Next Saturday we will be hosting our annual Valentine’s Jackpot. Shoot a 25 straight in either singles or handicap and you’ll be able to bring your sweetheart a very nice heart shaped box of chocolate. We hope that you can make it.

Thanks to everyone who shot today, It was good to see some faces that we haven’t seen since last summer.

1st Class
Dennis Kecker     49
Don Campbell      49

2nd Class
Mike Gunderson     42
Mike Peck               42

Ties = Singles from the front.

January 27th, 2024

Hey Hey, finally a decent day to be shooting. 37 degrees, thick clouds and a 5-10 mph west wind. NOT bad at all for the end of January…we all know how much worse it could be. We even had enough play to do the Lewis Class payouts. Thanks to everyone who shot today and thanks to John Houle for the outstanding venison sausage, cheese and crackers. It was delicious.

Targets were good and the scores showed it. Three 25 straights today. Gary Pederson, Don Campbell and Dale Otis. Great shooting guys. 47 was high score….for awhile, then a 48 was posted and then a 49. Warm weather sure helps.

It’s a few weeks out but here’s a reminder so you get it on your calendar. February 10th, MGC will be hosting their annual Valentine’s Jackpot. We’ll have some nice candy awards to share with your sweetheart.

1st Class
Gary Pederson      49
Dale Otis               48

2nd Class
Mike Gunderson    43
Ray Monson          43

Ties = Singles from the front.

January 20th, 2024 – Chili Cook-Off

A PERFECT day for Chili!!!! The day started off at about 7 below zero and warmed all the way up to 10 above zero…a heat wave.

Like last week, there wasn’t a lot of play on the trap fields but the kitchen area was busy with the taste testing.

Mike Gunderson almost had another 25 straight today but fell one short and has high score of 45, which is a GREAT score considering the weather the last couple weeks. Nice shooting Mike. The scores will be carried over…..again.

The chili was outstanding and I can’t beleive how much of it was eaten. The price must have been right. :>)

The 2024 Chili Cookoff winner is none other than Mark Cameron. GREAT chili Mark, it had just the right amount of bite to it. Jonathon Switala came in 2nd and his Mom brought in some OUTSTANDING corn bread muffins. Thank you to everybody.

January 13th, 2024

First of all….MGC will be hosting the JACKPOT TRAP CHILI COOKOFF next Saturday January 20th. Cook up your favorite concoction and bring it out for the “Best Taste Test”. We’ll award a prize for the first place winner. I’m not going to make any chili but I will bring some Blueberry Salsa and chips to go with the chili.

Now to today…..the weather can’t get much worse for shooting outdoors….but that’s what we do. We did have a few brave souls venture out and shoot but there wasn’t enough play for the Lewis Class. I have to give a shout out to Mike Gunderson who, on all days, posted a 25 straight in singles. Great shooting Mike. Another shout out to Dan Frye for driving from Wisconsin to freeze his ass off shooting today. Thanks for that Dan. I can’t remember seeing cheeks that red for a long time. Never mind which cheeks. So the scores will be carried over to the Chili Cookoff Saturday. Maybe it will be a little warmer.

January 6th, 2024

We made it through another warm winter day. Light winds and 32 degrees was just right. Sun would have been nice but we’ll take this.

Three 25 straights today. Gary Pederson shot two of them and Dennis Kecker the third. Nice shooting guys.

Thanks to everyone who shot today, hope to see you next Saturday.
We’re kicking around holding a Chile Cookoff on January 20th. Cook up a pot of your famous recipe and the scorers will judge to see who has the best tasting. I’ll let you know next week.

1st Class
Terry Peterson     47
Gary Pederson    47

2nd Class
Craig Raines      42
David Hillier        42

Ties = Handicap from the back.

December 30th, 2023

Well, we had a really good run of weather so far but today, the last Jackpot of 2023, felt like winter. 20 degrees, a 12-21 mph NW wind, dark and cloudy and COLD. Now we can look forward to 2024. 

Only ONE 25 straight today. Congratulations to Mike Peck for posting it. Nice shooting Mike. High score today??? Scott Steffen drove all the way from Casa Grande AZ to do it. Scott has been calling in scores from AZ that I wouldn’t post so he said the hell with it, I’ll drive up there and do it. Nice shooting Scott.

Thanks to everyone who shot today, we’ll do it again next Saturday.

1st Class
Scott Steffen    47
Jerry Chellgren   45

2nd Class
Mike Peck      39
Jeff Rempel    39

Ties= Handicap from the front, then Handicap from the back, then singles from the front.

Happy New Year to everyone from MGC and lets all hope for a great 2024.

December 23rd, 2023 – Christmas Special

Fifty degrees….on DECEMBER 23RD at the MGC traps. It was a great day to be shooting at this time of year. A year ago there was a foot of snow on the ground and 0 degree temps. We’ll talk about this one for a long time.
It was a little foggy at the start but it lifted to some nice shooting conditions. Good targets, a light SE breeze and a good payday for Derek Fischer.

There were four 25 straights shot and Derek shot 3 of them, Dave Smith the other one. Dave started it off with a 47, which is a good score, but it didn’t hold up. Derek posted first a 49, took a break and went out and shot the 50 straight. And who played the $3 Perpetual Purse?? Nobody but Derek Fischer!!! Derek ended up taking 1st and 2nd in 1st Class, half of the Perpetual Purse and a flat of shells. Merry Christmas Derek. Great shooting.

Thanks to everyone who shot today. Merry Christmas to all of our Jackpot Shooters and their Families. We will be open next Saturday, December 30th for Jackpot and on Sunday will be the MGC Christmas/Holiday Party. Details on the party are on the homepage.

1st Class
Derek Fischer    50
Derek Fischer    49

2nd Class
Mike Peck       43
Jeff Rempel     43

Ties = Handicap from the back

Merry Christmas Everyone.

Derek Fisher – 50 Straight

December 16, 2023

It was a balmy day at the MGC traps…..in the middle of December!!! Who wooda thunk. The rain was GONE by the time the shooting started, the temp got close to 40 and there wasn’t any wind. The targets were a floating out there like pumpkins.

Thanks to everyone who shot today and DIDN’T listen to the weather guessers.

Hams were on the line and two of the biggest hams started things off by posting 25 straights the first squad out. Nice shooting Dale Otis and Jerry Chellgren. 

With the nice weather came a bunch of nice scores. 49 was high score, five 48’s and one 47. It was a good day.

The ham winners with 25’s….Dale Otis, Jerry Chellgren, Derek Fischer, Tom Lewic and Dave Smith. For 24’s…..Mike Gunderson, Scott Steffen, Terry Peterson, Don Campbell and Becky Kelly. Great shooting everyone. Enjoy those delicious hams.

1st Class
Jerry Chellgren    49
Derek Fischer      48

2nd Class
Derek Fischer    45
Derek Fischer    45

3rd Class
Craig Raines      42
Mike Gunderson  42

Ties = Singles from the back

MGC will be throwing Jackpot targets Saturday December 23rd. If you’re in town, we’d love to see you.
Enjoy the nice weather.
Jimmy Bowen

December 9th, 2023

Good morning Jackpot Shooters, Sorry about the delay but bunches of stuff got in the way.
Saturday was a “mild” December day at the MGC traps. A little moisture, a little breeze, clouds and temps in the low 30’s. Not bad.

Thanks to everyone who shot today. There’s a lot going on this time of year and we appreciate that you take the time to come out and shoot.

This coming Saturday, December 16th, MGC will be hosting their annual Christmas Ham Jackpot. We’ll have 10 succulent hams to award for a 25 straight in either singles or handicap. One per person. If not enough 25’s are shot we’ll drop down to the next higher score until they’re gone. The weather guessers are saying that it will be in the mid 40’s. Take advantage of that and c’mon out and enjoy the day….and bring home Christmas dinner. Hope to see you there.

As you’re going to see, it was Dale Otis Day at MGC….again. Dale has been shooting really good, especially for an old guy. Great shooting Dale.

1st Class
Dale Otis    47
Dale Otis    46

2nd Class
Daryl Olson    41
Brad Luke      40

Ties = Singles from the front

Have a great week, enjoy the nice weather.

Jimmy Bowen

December 2nd, 2023

What a great day to be outside shooting some MGC targets. Light winds, above average temperatures, and a little sunshine. For December 2nd, we’ll take it and enjoy it.
A good turn-out and a few new faces. Welcome the Schmidt’s from Rochester.
Five 25 straights today and Dale Otis posted the high score of 47, which is what Dale does. Nice shooting guy’s. 
Thanks to everyone who shot today, hope to see you next Saturday. Enjoy the upcoming weather.

1st Class
Dale Otis            47
Dan Campbell    46

2nd Class
Jeff Rempel         43
Mark Cameron    43

3rd Class
Chuck McMacken   38
Mike Gunderson     38

Ties = Handicap from the front then Handicap from the back

November 25th, 2023

Well, we made it through November without having to shoot with snow on the ground. It was a cool day, with a breeze, but dry. I’m thinking that we won’t be able to say that much longer.

Only two 25 straights today, Mark Cameron and Mike Gunderson, and only one high score of 46, Don Campbell. Nice shooting guys.

1st Class
Don Campbell   46

2nd Class
John Podergois   40

Ties = Handicap from the front.

November 18th, 2023 – Thanksgiving Special

It was a perfect November day at the MGC traps. Not a cloud in the sky, temperature got to 56 degrees with a light SW breeze. It couldn’t have gotten any better for this time of year.
With the Thanksgiving turkeys on the line things got off to a fast start. First squad out Ray Monson and Jimmy Bowen claimed their turkeys and it went from there. Jeff Rempel, on the 2nd squad out, claimed his turkey by running the singles and finishing up with a 49. That held for awhile but a few squads later Jimmy Bowen missed a singles target and ran the handicap for a tying 49.

We did award all 10 turkeys with mostly 25 straights and a few 24’s. The Turkey winners with 25 straights were….Ray Monson, Jimmy Bowen, Jeff Remple, Tom Lewic, Dale Otis, Don Campbell and Dave Smith.  For 24’s…..Lenny Lindquist, Jerry Chellgren, and Gary Pederson. Great shooting everyone.

Now to the Lewis Class winners….and I didn’t flip the coin or call it. :>)

1st Class
Jimmy Bowen      49
Jeff Rempel          49

2nd Class
Chuck McMacken     46
Dave Smith               46

3rd Class
Terry Peterson     44
Jeff Rempel         44

Ties = Handicap from the back.

Thanks to everyone who shot today. The staff at MGC wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. If you’re traveling, travel safe.

November 11th, 2023

I was on the fence as to wether to carry the scores over to next Saturday or give credit to those that did shoot. Giving credit sounds better, so here it is.

It was a cloudy, breezy and chilly day at the MGC traps Saturday and not many participants. The temp got to the mid 40’s but the “breeze” was 12-25 mph from the east. High score for the day was a 46, there were three of them, and two 25 straights. Don Campbell, Ray Monson and Brad Luke posted the 46’s and Brad shot both 25 straights. Great shooting guys.

This coming Saturday MGC will host their annual Thanksgiving Turkey Jackpot. Shoot a 25 straight in either singles or handicap and you’ll receive a delicious turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. One per person. If there isn’t enough 25’s we’ll drop down to the next high score until they’re gone. All 10 of them.

1st Class
Brad Luke   46

2nd Class
Dan Frye     41

Ties = Singles from the back

November 4th, 2023

It was a very nice day at the MGC traps. Sunshine, temps in the upper 40’s and a 4 mph breeze. Ray Monson started things out with a 25 straight in singles and posted a 47. Ray had two 25 straights in singles and Dave Carter had one. Doing it the hard way with 25 straights in handicap were Paul Koch and Jack Swanson. Nice shooting guys.
Paul Koch missed one target in singles, ran the handicap for high score of the day 49. It appears that Paul has this Jackpot shooting down. That’s his second 49 recently.

The annual MGC Thanksgiving Turkey shoot will be on November 18th. Mark you calendars.

1st Class
Paul Koch    49
Dave Carter  48

2nd Class
Dave Carter   43
Ray Monson  43

Ties = Handicap from the back

Enjoy the nice weather. Hope to see you next week.

October 28th, 2023 – Halloween Special

It was a chilly day at the MGC traps but the scores were good and ALL the pies got claimed with 25 straights. Low 30’s for temps, cloudy with a doable 6-12 mph NW breeze.

First squad out, post 1, Scott Messenger started it off with a 25 straight and claimed his pie right away. The rest of the pie eaters were, Don Campbell, Dennis Kecker, Jim Lambert, Dennis Minks, David Smith, Tom Lewic, Dan Frye, Terry Peterson, and Eric Gunderson. Nice shooting everyone.

Now Don Campbell could have gotten his pie with either his singles score OR his handicap score…..Yup, on a not so nice day he ran the 50 straight. Great shooting Don.

There were two shooters, David Smith and Dennis Minks, that tied with 49’s and for the FIRST TIME in 15? years they tied for the Lewis Class payout. The flips were Singles from the back. They both ran the singles so then it went to handicap from the back, then handicap from the front. Turned out that they both missed the same target.!!! Way to go Dave and Dennis. 

Thanks to everyone who shot today. Enjoy those pies!!!

1st Class
Don Campbell     50
Dave Smith and Dennis Minks     49

2nd Class
Terry Peterson     44
Scott Messenger  44

3rd Class
Scott Messenger   41
Mark Cameron       41

Ties = every which way.

October 21st, 2023

A blustery day at the MGC traps. 18 mph N NW wind with 33 mph gusts. It made the targets climb and curl…..sometimes. The rights were grass cutters at times. But the sun was out and that made for a nice fall day. Only three 25 straights today. Gary Pederson, Dennis Kecker and Eric Gunderson. Great shooting guys.

Besides shooting a 25 straight Gary Pederson wowed everyone by posting a 48 today. Next high score was a 45!! Nice going Gary, way to shoot in the wind.

Next Saturday is the MGC Halloween Pumpkin Pie Jackpot shoot. Shoot a 25 straight in either singles or handicap and you’ll win a delicious pumpkin or apple pie. We’ll have 10 pies to award and if there isn’t ten 25’s we’ll drop down to the next high score until they’re gone. One per person. This will be in addition to the regular Daily Lewis Class payouts.
Start time is 10 am. Bring buckets of shells and have a good time.

Thanks to everyone who shot today.

1st Class
Gary Pederson       48
Eric Gunderson       45

2nd Class
Tom Lewic         41
Jeff Rempel       40

Ties = Singles from the back.

Have a good week. Hope to see you next Saturday.

October 14th, 2023

A typical October day at the MGC traps today. Sun to start but it clouded up and a 15 mph NW wind put a little chill in the air. But, after 3-4 inches of rain it felt “Ok”.

The cooler temps didn’t bother Paul Koch though. After a warm-up round of 46 he posted a 49 his next time out for high score of the day. Nice shooting Paul.

Five 25 straights today and Becky Kelly with her new to her gun posted one of them and she won money. Congrats Becky with that DB 81 smoke pole.

In 2 weeks, MGC will be hosting their annual Halloween Pumpkin Pie Jackpot. Shoot a 25 straight in either Singles or Handicap and you’ll take home a scrumptious pumpkin or apple pie. If the pies this year are like last year’s, you’ll be able to feed a family of 8. They’re huge and delicious. We’ll see if we can find a Carmel Apple Walnut Crunch for high score.

Mark’s $5 breakfast today was a Denver Scramble and outta this world bacon. It was goooood.

Thanks to everyone who shot today.

1st Class
Paul Koch      49
John Kelly      46

2nd Class
Becky Kelly    42
Mike Gunderson    42

Ties = Singles from the front, then singles from the back, then Handicap from the front.

October 7th, 2023

A very nice Fall day at the MGC traps today. Sunshine, a little bit of a breeze, and 52 degrees. We all know that it could be worse.
Second squad out, John Kelly set the bar with a very well shot 49. And, as we’ve seen so many times before, he dropped that target on his last post.

Later in the day Curt Peterson was on track to do the same thing but he took some deep breaths on that last post and ran ran the  FIFTY STRAIGHT. Ya u betcha Curt ran ’em and played the Perpetual Purse too. He did good. He went home with a bunch of cash and a flat of shells. Nice shooting Curt…..and John.

Thanks to everyone who shot today.

1st Class
Curt Peterson       50
John Kelly             49

2nd Class
Dan Frye              44
Glenn Linden        44

3rd Class
Tom Lewic             41
Tom Lewic             41

Ties = Singles from the front.

Next Saturday we’ll do it again. Hope to see you there. FYI Mark has been cooking up Saturday breakfast eggs, sausage, bacon. $5.00

Curt Peterson – 50 Straight

September 30th, 2023

A very nice and very warm fall day at the MGC traps. With the nice conditions the participation was great along with the scores. Thanks to everyone who shot today or stopped by for the banter.

First squad out, Ray Monson set the pace with a 49, and that was with him missing his last target!! Sorry Ray, I had to mention it. Nice shooting Ray. A few squads later Tom Sletta posted a 49 and Curt Peterson and John Kelly did too. Nice shooting guys. That illusive 50 straight will have to happen on a different day. We’ll have to see if we have any more nice days like this.

11Ray Monson49
2Curt Peterson49
21Eric Gunderson47
2Ray Monson47
31Cheryl Demulling45
2Curt Peterson45
41Mike Gunderson43
2Dennis Minks43
Ties = Singles from the front, then singles from the back, then Handicap from the front then Handicap from the back.

We’ll be holding the Jackpot shoots every Saturday until April, so c’mon out while the weather is good.

Enjoy the nice weather while we have it.

September 3rd, 2023 – Warm Up

Jackpot Shooters, when was the last time you can remember saying, “It was really warm out shooting Jackpot today” ? Well, today was the day. It got to 97 today with a little bit of a breeze and sunshine. The targets were just a floating in the sky.

It was a decent turnout today and the day was just right to pluck that Perpetual Purse money. It came close but that one target is so important.
47’s were high for a while then a couple 48’s came in and then high score of the day, a 49 shot by Jerry Demulling. Nice shooting Jerry. You came close.

The regular Jackpot Season will start on September 30th and will run until April. The Perpetual Purse will be a $3 option each week if you want to go for the money. Daily cash prizes by Lewis Class rules are included in your entry.

1st Class
Jerry Demulling   49
Paul Koch            48

2nd Class
Mark Cameron     45
Mike Gunderson   45

Ties = Handicap from the back.

Thanks to everyone who shot today. Hope to see you on September 30th.

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