2012 High All Around


What a great day it was for the 2012 Minneapolis Gun Club Christmas Party!  Great food and fun had by all.  We had several shooting events going on to keep things interesting.  One of the competitions was the annual HAA competition.  50 trap, 50 skeet and 50 5-stand.  Bragging rights this year have shifted to Jon Dayton with an overall score of 132.  The competition was a close one and the results will follow.  I do want to take a moment to congratulate Jim Walkowiak for the High Trap Score, 48,  and Nick Boerboon for the high Skeet score, 50.  The High 5-Stand, 43,  and High Over All will rest with Jon Dayton.  Great shooting Jon.

…………………………….Trap         Skeet         5-Stand       Total

Jon Dayton               48               41                 43              132

Nick Boerboon          44                50                36              130

Steve Boerboon        46                48                33              127

Alex Martin               40                47                39              126

Jeff Schnieder          40              47                28             115

Mark Cameron         44                39                32              115

Leo Switala               43               42                29              114

Jim Walkowiak        48                40                25              113

Virginia Hines          45              41                24              110

Rick Potter                 30             47                22               99

Ben Hines                 29               33                25               87

Mike Conroy             24              41                 20              85

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