Well, the weather forecasters got me this time. They were predicting 30 degrees, plenty of sun and light winds. While the winds were light, 6 mph from the SW, it was a cloud darkened damp COLD day. To the point is made the targets hard to see….and hit. But, we got ‘er done and had fun doing it.
You’ve heard this before…..2nd squad out, post one, and Ken Norman runs the singles to claim the 1st ham of the day. Now, there is a little bit of chatter about Ken Norman showing up for the food shoots and shooting very well when he needs to. Here’s the real story. Yes, Ken does show up and usually wins a pie, a ham, a turkey etc. And, here is what he’s doing with all that food. He’s giving the food to families that live near him so that they can have some happiness and comfort around the Holidays. Ken, nice shooting and a great gesture on your part to help out a less fortunate family. Very nice.
All 10 or the hams went today but only 8 of them for 25 straights. The ham winners in the order that they came in….Ken Norman, Dennis Minks, Tom Lewic, Jimmy Bowen, Scott Steffen, Curt Peterson, Derek Fischer and David Maples. For 24’s…..Lexi Kubista and Scott Messenger. Great shooting everybody. Enjoy those delicious hams.
With the low dark clouds the scores were low and…dark too. A few 45’s and 46’s were posted and then 10 squads out Jimmy Bowen comes in with a 47 and a couple squads later Derek Fischer posted a 47 too. That looked like it might be the top score of the day but we all know that it ain’t over until it is over. Squad 15 and Cheesehead Tom Lewic came in with a 48. Nice shooting Tom.
A big thank you to David Maples, Scott Steffen, Dennis Minks and Jimmy Bowen for buying pizza today.
1st Class
Tom Lewic 48
Derek Fischer 47
2nd Class
Dennis Minks 44
Scott Messenger 44
3rd Class
Curt Peterson 43
Mike Gunderson 43
4th Class
Brad Luke 40
Tom Lewic 40
5th Class
Leo Switala 39
Jeff Rempel 39
6th Class
John Podergois 38
Len Lindquist 38
Ties = Handicap from the back then Handicap from the front.
MGC will be open next Saturday, December 26th for Jackpot.
Thank you to everyone who shot today and MGC wishes EVERYONE a very Merry Christmas.
Hope to see you next Saturday.
Jimmy Bowen