results of the Jackpot Sporties ( this includes the one entry from the week prior)
Doug Dingman………………………45…………………..1st cl 1st pl
Al Doucette…………………………….42…………………..1st cl 2nd pl
Troy Hepner……………………………41
Rick Robohm…………………………..38
Dennis Vierling……………………….37
Dennis Vierling………………………..36
Pat O’Boyle………………………………..35………………2nd cl 1st pl
Pat O’Boyle……………………………….35……………….2nd cl 2nd pl
Greg Hall………………………………….34
Pat O’Boyle……………………………….34
Steve Furuli………………………………31
Kurt Seurer……………………………….31
Walt Sloboden…………………………..26
Roger Pasch………………………………25
Molly O’Boyle……………………………23
Molly O’Boyle……………………………22
ties were decided by long run from the front field 1.