Oh boy, what a difference a day makes. Ya want different weather in MN…wait 5 minutes and your wish will come true. Unlike yesterday, the winds were a howling today. There were whitecaps on the pond east of the clubhouse. That’s no kidding. How different??? Yesterday there were seventeen 25 straights….today…one…I got lucky. Granted there were less participants but overall the scores showed the weather condition. The good thing?? It was warm and sunny…and we didn’t have to shovel…anything.

Leo Switala was a machine today. He missed one in singles, a couple right away in handicap and then ran the rest for high score. Nice shooting Leo.

Before I forget….THERE WILL BE NO JACKPOT NEXT SATURDAY OR SUNDAY. There is a registered skeet shoot going on that would just get in our way. We will resume Jackpots on the 20th.

1st Class
Leo Switala  46

2nd Class..in more ways than one.
Jimmy Bowen  42

Ties = singles from the back.

Thanks to everyone who shot today. Good luck to all that are going to the Kansas State Shoot.

See you on the 20th.

Jimmy Bowen

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