Another nice day at the MGC traps. The threatening rain rain held off and everybody stayed dry. A cloudy day with a good breeze from the E/NE and the temp around 70. And we could shoot.
I want to thank everybody for their understanding about the social distancing and other COVID precautions that are in place.
Today….well, it was Glenn Linden’s Day at MGC. Glenn had a very good day and went home with cash, some more cash and a flat of shells. He either didn’t miss or when he did miss he came out on top with the Lewis Class payouts. You may have figured out by now that Glenn ran the 50 straight and paid the whopping 3 bucks to play the Perpetual Purse. That 3 bucks got him $392.00…50% of the Purse. I had the opportunity to be scoring the squad he was on when he ran the Handicap targets and he was hitting them hard. Great shooting Glenn, nice job.
Behind the 50, two 48’s came in. Yup, Glenn had one of them and Curt Peterson had the other. Nice shooting Curt. And from there…..
1st Class
Glenn Linden 50
Glenn Linden 48
2nd Class
Glenn Linden 45
Scott Steffen 45
3rd Class
Mark Hintz 42
Jimmy Bowen 42
4th Class
Ken Hanson 38
Tim Raines 38
Ties = Singles from the front then Singles from the back then Handicap from the front then Handicap from the back.
Thanks to everyone who shot today. Next Saturday looks to be a little warmer. Hope to see you there.
Jimmy Bowen
Glenn was hesitant about getting his picture taken. I told him he didn’t have enough money to stop me……Here ya go Glenn. :>)
Jimmy Bowen