The 2020-2021 Jackpot season is underway!!!! The weather today wan’t too bad. A cool start but it warmed up to the upper 50’s real quick. The winds were light and the rain held off until we were done shooting.
>Lots of good shooters and the competition was tight. 47 ended up being high score and there were 4 of them shot. Derek Fischer shot 2 of them, Glenn Linden and Scott Steffen each one. Great shooting guys.
>Thanks to everyone who participated today. It was good to see people out shooting and enjoying the game.
>1st Class
>Scott Steffen 47
>Derek Fischer 47
>2nd Class
>Scott Steffen 45
>Joe Hadac 45
>3rd Class
>Derek Fischer 43
>Jimmy Bowen 43
>4th Class
>Mark Hintz 41
>Glenn Linden 41
>5th Class
>Daryll Olson 39
>Lenny Lindquist 39
>6th Class
>Brian Schmaedeka 37
>Eric Gunderson 37
>Ties = Handicap from the back, then Handicap from the front,then Singles from the back.
>We’ll be doing the Jackpot’s every Saturday until the Registered shoots start.
>Hope to see you there.
>Jimmy Bowen