Jackpot Sporties shooters welcome. Just a couple of notes before we list the winners of this weeks jackpot.
First Sunday the 29th will be the club championship. You must be a current member of the club to participate. That will include 25 Trap, 25 Skeet and 25 Sporties targets for an entry fee of $25.00.
Secondly, since the club championship will be going on we will have Jackpot Sporties on Field A only.
Third, the club will be hosting its annual Holiday Party on Sunday December 29th for members. Food and comradery will be in abundance.
On to the Scores!
Jim Fischcer…………………..41……….1st class winner
Rick Robohm………………..40
Jim Fischer…………………….40
Doug Dingman…………….40
Joe Fischer……………………..38
Joe Fischer………………………37………….2nd class winner
Kurt Branscombe…………..36
Jon Switala………………………34
Troy Maki…………………………29
Troy Maki…………………………28
Chad Nelson……………………28
Thanks to all for shooting and we look forward to seeing you next week.