A busy day out here with 7 high schools shooting trap and skeet as well as 5 stand. Thanks for the patience in getting started.
Al Doucette…………………………..48…………………1st cl 1st pl
Terry Bartling (10)………………..47…………………1st cl 2nd pl
Harry Zarn (1)………………………47
Jim Fischer………………………….45
Joe Fischer………………………….44
Terry Bartling……………………..43
Harry Zarn………………………….43
Leo Switala…………………………43
Joe Fischer………………………….42
Mark Cameron (1,4)…………….41………………2nd cl 1st pl
Jim Fischer (1,0)…………………41………………2nd cl 2nd pl
Troy Hepner………………………40
Jon Switala…………………………40
Rick Robohm………………………38
Kurt Branscombe………………..38
Roger Pasch………………………..35
Kurt Seurer………………………….34
Walt Sloboden…………………….33
Long run by coin flip was from the back on A. Next week we will have a skeet tournament on 3 through 6 high school trap on 2 and high school 5 stand on one so all of jackpot will be shot on A. targets are being reset as we speak.