Nov 24

Another beautiful Sunday afternoon out at the gun club.

Doug Dingman……………………48………………………1st cl 1st pl

Al Doucette………………………..46……………………….1st cl 2nd pl

Troy Hepner……………………..43

Sean Skalisky……………………43

Rick Robohm……………………43

Denny Vierling…………………41

Harry Zarn……………………….41

Sean Skalisky……………………41

Pat O’Boyle………………………39

Denny Vierling…………………38

Steve Furuli………………………38

Lenny Lindquist………………37…………………..2nd cl 1st pl

Walt Sloboden………………….35………………….2nd cl 2nd pl

Molly O’Boyle……………………34

Molly O’Boyle…………………….33

Doug Dingman…………………..33

Pat O’Boyle…………………………32

Mike Robohm…………………….32

Kurt Seurer…………………………32

Chad Nelson………………………..31

Chad Nelson………………………..28

Mark Cameron……………………26

Shelly Robohm…………………….19

Ties were not an issue but the flip was long run from the front field 1. Have a great week and we’ll see you on the 1st.

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Summer hours have returned!